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Alignment, precision, extension
Iyengar Yoga for beginners and intermediate
“Grundstein39 Gründer, Idan Meir, praktiziert, Paschimottanasana, sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge”﹥

What is Iyengar Yoga?

The Iyengar Yoga method is known for its benefits to an individual’s health and well-being through the practice of yoga postures and breath­ing techniques.
It focuses on correct align­ment in the poses in a system­atic program that takes the practi­tioner from intro­duc­tory level to more advanced poses at a pace that suits each individual.

Iyengar Yoga is a world­wide known practice named after B.K.S Iyengar, who practised, devel­oped and taught his yoga method from his teenage years to age 95.

What to expect?

The classes include the practice of yoga postures and breath­ing techniques. We use equip­ment like wall ropes, belts, chairs, and blocks to help all students practice regard­less of their physi­cal abili­ties and gain the maximum benefit from each yoga pose.

Iyengar yoga concen­trates on postural align­ment. If the body is aligned, then the breath is balanced. When the breath is balanced, then the mind is clear.

Regular Iyengar Yoga practice helps to develop strength, flexi­bil­ity, body aware­ness and focus. 

Whether mood or state of mind, you enter an Iyengar Yoga class, you will always leave it in a much better physi­cal and mental state. 

“Yogaschüler, praktizieren im Sitzen”

“Yoga doesn’t just change the way we see things, it trans­forms the person who sees.”

B.K.S Iyengar

“Yogaschülerin, praktiziert, Adho Mukha Swanasana, Herabschauender Hund mit Polster”﹥

What are the effects of Iyengar yoga practice?

With regular guided practice, effects can include a general feeling of physi­cal health, psycho­log­i­cal and mental well-being. The focus of Iyengar yoga on postural align­ment can improve postural/structural problems. It can also release emotional tensions.

Yoga demands effort and atten­tion to detail within the posture, which increases concen­tra­tion and focus, helping to relieve the mind and the body from stress.

Iyengar Yoga regular practice devel­ops a more profound conscious aware­ness, and knowl­edge of the self and contributes to greater self-confi­dence. Iyengar yoga is for anyone irrespec­tive of age, gender, health, religion, physi­cal situa­tion and circum­stances in life.

About B.K.S Iyengar

In 2004 Time Magazine announced B.K.S Iyengar as one of the 100 most influ­en­tial people in the world.

In 1975 BKS Iyengar set up the Ramamani Iyengar Memor­ial Yoga Insti­tute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, which has become a hub for teach­ing and learn­ing his style of yoga. Many teach­ers from all over the world have travelled to Pune to study directly with this master, with his daugh­ter Geeta S Iyengar (1944 – 2018), his son Prashant S Iyengar and his grand­daugh­ter Abhijata Iyengar who continue to run the Institute.

Much has been written about BKS Iyengar, and you can read more in his book ‘Iyengar: His Life and Work’. He has been a prolific writer, and his most famous and influ­en­tial books include ‘Light on Yoga’, ‘Light on Pranayama, ‘Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patan­jali’ and ‘Light on Life’.

“BKS Iynegar”

One on one session

A one on one session may improve your bodywork and deepen your under­stand­ing of your practice. It can also bring more aware­ness to specific topics that might arise and creative ways to work with them.